Assumed Name Services is a private company that assists, for a fee, in the registration, renewal, and publication of your fictitious name in the state of Florida. ANS provides the services necessary to help businesses stay in compliance and active with the state of Florida, but has no affiliation or contract with any government organization to do so.

Are you the government?

We are a private company. We provide the service of renewing your fictitious name for you, much like any lawyer or filing service would.

Can I order over the phone?

Because we need your signature on the form, we need a physical copy of your order. However, if you want to process a credit card, please call 850-390-4666.

I missed the deadline. Can I still send it in?

Yes, just get it in the mail as soon as possible. We have no penalties or fees for late renewals and you won’t lose your name. As long as you mail it before the end of the year, we will process it immediately.

Will I get something in the mail after it is processed?

You will receive an acknowledgment letter from the state when your renewal has been processed.

Do I need to renew?

If you are no longer in business, you don’t need to renew. If you are, you need to renew to stay in compliance with the state of Florida.

How often do I have to renew?

In the state of Florida, your fictitious name is up for renewal every five years, at the end of the year; regardless of the day you last renewed it.

What is the “certificate desired” box? Do I need to do that?

That’s an optional certificate that you can get. You do not need to check it, but if you do, it’s $10 additional dollars. If you don’t check it, you will still receive a letter in the mail confirming it’s been renewed.

Can I cancel my order?

If you are not satisfied with your order, or change your mind prior to the processing of the order, simply call our customer service line at 850-390-4666 to arrange a refund.

How Do I Stop Receiving Order Forms?

If you do not wish to receive future mail from our company, please call 850-390-4666 for immediate removal from our mailing list.